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"It's really more than just the music, it's a lifestyle" 
Lady Diva Monroe

This  is the CD and Cassette Of my Son Terrell aka T-BUC', Out Always trying to Get A Dollar , This is the song "Animosity", The Black and White Cassette.


My son drew the album cover above. I produced that CD and cassette At "Global Entertainment Records", my label back  in 2003.  However, my son passed away before the CD was supposed to come out on January of 2006. My son would have been great,


R.I.P. My son

- your Mother Ladydiva Monroe, aka Linda Eaton Hall Fulcher"


Here is another CD Of me and the family.


 This is a family affair CD of music with myself LadyDiva Monroe, my Twin Nephews Face2Face , my son T-BUC" and an artist friend of mine on my Global Entertainment Record Label named Looney Tunz.


Here is the link to all the music . written by myself and my son

Terrell aka T-BUC'  "it's all good"

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Global Entertainment Records



Longbeach, CA

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© 2017 by Lady Diva Monroe

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